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The memoirs of RuneScape is alienated into five manifest ages, but very little is known of the first three ages beyond a handful of myths, tradition and religious texts. The quantity of saga that has survived these times is next to nothing, partially due to the extensive lengths of time concerned and partially due to the great godwars of the, the third age which brought most of the mortal races close to extinction for RS Gold and runescape gold..
The First Age - Creation The world of RuneScape was formed by the three gods Saradomin, Zamorak and Guthix at the outset of the First Age. Theologians and priests condition that for much of this time the gods were still during forming the world. Much of this time must have been tired making the diverse domain, seas, plants and animals. The First Age is said to have lasted for four thousand time.
The Second Age - When the Gods Walked scholars have deduced that this was rudely two thousand survival long; it's thought that during this time many of the intelligent mortal races of RuneScape began to first form civilisations. Not all the races that rose at this time have survived into the recent ages, so we know very little of them. At this time the gods interacted much more openly with the mortals than they do in flow times. This was all to end in the Third Age.
The Third Age - The Godwars The Third Age was about four thousand time long and known as the time of the godwars. Stories tell of great and eloquent entities and agents of the gods fighting cataclysmic wars during which time humanity could only just grasp to survival. The end of the Third Age was said to be denoted by a treaty made by the great gods Saradomin, Guthix and Zamorak to not dispute their wars on this fragile land for panic they would entirely damage it. They fixed to seat affect on Runescape only through their worshippers and servants among the lesser races.
The Fourth Age - The Age of Mortals The Fourth Age, sometimes known as the Age of Mortals, lasted for huskily two thousand days. With the godwars over, the mortal races were at last able to multiply and flourish. There were many races all competing to make their smear in the world, although. Humans, dwarves, goblins, ogres, gnomes and many more all competed for land and property. There was much fighting between the different races, so cultural and scientific advances were gradual.To make clothes even harder there were tales of novel undead necromancers who arose from time to time, summoning armies of undead skeletons and zombies which swept across the land destroying all in their course.During the early parts of the Fourth Age most of the humans lived in traveling tribes, battling to finish blooming against one another and against the tribes of other races. Over time they ongoing to make more stable settlements throughout the world, but they prolonged to have to war with their neighbours.Many folklore, tales and poems subsist from this time and tell of the exploits of many heroes such as Robert the Strong and Arrav of Avarrocka to have runescape money and runescape gold.