You’re probably not making good use of your bow's range

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Do I need a dagger defense helm? No. For the non-archer classes, dagger defense is highly recommended. But as an archer, you have the advantage of ranged attack, LF, and MH.

If a sin is giving you trouble, spam MH and 720s, and LF until you reach a pack of blue dots. I've noticed that 80% Runescape Gold of the time, if I pass another non-rogue character of the same race, the sin will switch to target that other character.

Why? Fleeing rogues are a pain to finish off. And any experienced sin fighting you will know this. And if you use a dagger defense helm, you'll be giving up, say, +12 dex, which is about 48+ attack with master. If you're getting spanked by sins, you're probably not making good use of your bow's range.

Which potions should I use? Don't use anything less than 720 hp pots. The 360 hp pots won't cut it. The 960 mp pots should work fine, and they are much less expensive compared to soul pots. I generally carry 30 720's, 60 960 mp pots, 5 cure curse pots, and 20 blood of wolf.

Make a mental note of those targets you can hit for a lot of damage, these are your np donors.