You should remember this next statement before you form a party

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Oblivion: This might not seem like much but in a boss fight it can save your life, although if you’re spamming RS Gold skills it does not always help. It becomes useless in the higher levels though since the monsters threat goes through the roof. Passive Skills:

Expert weapon mastery: Maxed ASAP

Sword Mastery: Maxed ASAP if you’re a sword user.

Dirk Mastery: Maxed ASAP if you’re a dagger user.

Dual Wield: MAXED ASAP!!!!! I can not stress this enough.

HP Regeneration: Try to max quickly as it can be a bit useful.

Well this is the end of this long guide, if there is anything I have missed feel free to tell me. Striders FTW! Normal Server:  

1. If you die to monsters you lose experience.

2. If you die to players you do not lose experience.

3. You gain wrath by getting immorality points.

You should remember this next statement before you form a party. Alphanumeric characters can be used to create a party’s name.

When you are already a member of a party, you can’t create a new one. Once you have formed a party, you can’t create another one or be invited to others.