Whispered chat is viewed only by the player who sends the whisper


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Whispered Chat: Whispered chat is viewed only by the player who sends the whisper and the player to whom the whisper is directed, and only by the recipient if they have their whispered chat option turned on and do not have the sender excluded.

Whispered chat is toggled ON by RS Gold default. To turn your ability to hear whispering off, type /whisper off; to turn whispering on, type /whisper on.

Players can also turn whispered chat off and on using the Option Window by clicking on the icon in the interface window, clicking on Game Options, and clicking on Whisper to toggle this ability off and on.

*Note! All text used in all chat methods must adhere to the User Agreement and Rules of Conduct.

There is a 57-character limit for text submitted to whispered chat; including any color codes, spaces, and/or punctuation.

To submit a whisper, preface the recipient player's name with the symbol and enter the text you wish to whisper to the player: "[Player Name] [Text of message you wish to submit to recipient]

Global, Pledge, Alliance, Party and Whispered Chat Text Color Commands: