RS Gold, RS2 Gold, RuneScape Gold, Warlocks have a lot of ways of controlling the fight

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Warlock - Warlocks are an ugly fight. They have a lot of ways of controlling the fight. Through fear, death coil, and their magic eating Felhunter, the fight can be very short with RS Gold you visiting the spirit healer, or it can be well timed and maybe, if things work out, the warlock will have to use his soul stone.

Remember that if you drop a warlock they are going to wait for you to turn your back before they use their Soul stone, so be careful. With warlocks, your best bet is to use grounding totem, tremor totem, and searing totem whenever you can. You need to get up in the warlock's space. You need to melee him as much as you can.

An enhancement shaman is going to hope for a nice wind fury proc, and then he might win. If you are Restoration, and the warlock doesn't have his Felhunter out, make sure you keep up earth shield. The pet hitting you will keep you sitting pretty well. Throwing low rankings of your water totems might buy you some extra time as the warlock goes to kill them. Warlocks are a tricky fight.

Warlock fights are one of the hardest to master. They have a lot of ways to keep you under control, and that that makes it hard for you to do anything to them. Just keep at it.