RS Gold, RS2 Gold, RuneScape Gold, Track Humanoids is great in PVP for several different reasons

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Track Humanoids: This toggled ability uses RS Gold no Energy and places dots on the minimap to display all nearby humanoids and players.

Track Humanoids is great in PVP for several different reasons. You can also locate named mobs or quest mobs when soloing. Just be sure to turn it on if you’ve been tracking something else!

Ravage: A Ravage attack is your most powerful non-finishing move attack. You must be prowling and behind the enemy to get this off. Ravage is great in PVP and when soloing. In groups a Ravage might pull agro from the tank.

With high crit chance gear and popping a Tiger’s Fury before a Ravage, your kitty’s Ravage will hit some amazing numbers, sometimes dropping a cloth wearer in one shot. And that, my friend, never fails to satisfy.

Ferocious Bite: This finishing move converts all your Combo Points and your entire energy bar into a single burst of damage. So it can do amazing damage, but it leaves you unable to get of another special attack until your energy bar recharges.

Consider your situation, and decide between Rip and Ferocious Bite as the finishing move. Rip is best when your target still has lots of health or is wearing armor. FB is best when your target is low on health.