Thoughts On... Temple Trekking

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Being much acquainted with the denizens and flora (such that it is) of Mort Myre, I am often asked for advice on the many different experiences to be had when transporting refugees from Burgh de Rott or likewise, mercenaries from Paterdomus. These jaunts through Mort Myre are collectively referred to as 'Temple Treks' or 'Burgh de Rott Rambles'. Having surmised that none of these experiences is in anyway preferable (save for my own interventions on behalf of the weak and needy), I put it to you good people.

What efforts should we make collectively to ensure that the Temple Trek and Burgh de Rott Rambles are sufficiently challenging for readying our mercenaries for battle, and ensuring that sensible rewards are given to those brave souls who act as guides in this most dangerous of areas?