The main advantage of being a healer is your ability to heal

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Healer Skills of Metin2 Shaman: If you have chosen healer as your character, you can start out by RS2 Gold putting one point in each skill except Attack Up, because Attack Up is the most useless skill

1. The First master should be cure. The main advantage of being a healer is your ability to heal! You could possibly go for an attack skill first but that's not my primary choice.

2. You need an attack skill as second master. You got a choice here, if you are going to focus on PVP you should go for Lightning Throw or Lightning Claw because of the short cool down time.

3. Third master you should be swift. Most people only see the movement speed but the main advantage of swift is the increased cool down speed.

Get it high M as soon as possible, in combination with a cooldown+4 and some spell speed bonuses you can cut your cool down time in half. That gives you the ability to use your skills continuously.

4. Fourth master is the attack skill you prefer. If you didn't master Summon lightning as second now is the time to do it. Thanks for reading and welcome next time!