The longer it takes you to do the damage, the lower your DPS will be

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Your available RS Gold resources are like liquid damage. Mana, runes, energy and rage are like reserved damage that you convert into DPS when you use ability.

The only things keeping you from using all of your resources at once are the, cast times, and ability cool-downs. That's why you will always want to be casting, attacking or button mashing no matter what.

You may be scared that you'll run out of your resources, but you should look at it this way. If you spend all of your mana in 1 minute or in 5 minutes you will still have spent the same amount of mana to do the same amount of damage.

The only difference is that it's spread out between 1 minute, or 5 minutes. The longer it takes you to do the same amount of damage then the lower your DPS will be.

Energy works a little bit differently. Energy is wasted only if you're at your Energy cap. If your Energy regen is being wasted then you’re wasting gaining more potential damage.

So you have to always keep your Energy regenerating, even if you need to conserve a bit of it for interrupts.