RS Gold, RS2 Gold, RuneScape Gold, The ancients would be ashamed to see how weak and puny they have become

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The sun-blighted Elyos infest Elysea, the lower half of Atreia. Those clawless little lord lings see themselves as the true descendents of Ancient Atreians. However, the ancients would be ashamed to see RS Gold how weak and puny they have become.

When you are ready, select a race and click Next to continue. Select Class:

Warrior: Warriors specialize in close combat, utilizing their great physical strength and prowess. They exhibit a wide range of dazzling battle skills other classes cannot perform, though Warriors are relatively easy to play.

Scout: Scouts provide the best variety of play styles of all the basic classes. They benefit from great agility and can make speedy attacks, though how well they perform varies, depending on the player. The Scout is an extremely versatile class.

Mage: Mages rely on their mastery of magic to deal large amounts of damage at long range. They are comparatively weak at close combat, and it is important for them to learn how to divert and evade the enemy.

Priest: Priests specialize in healing magic and can use long-range spells to help allies and hinder the enemy. While Priests are more than capable of engaging in melee combat, they can use healing and protection spells to aid allies in battle.