RS Gold, RS2 Gold, RuneScape Gold, Should You Use Chat Channels For Your Guild in Online Game

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Should You Use Chat Channels For Your Guild? Everyone guild gets a GUILDSAY and an OFFICER chat to use RS Gold. However, even with 40 or 50 members, guild-say can get quite active and lose some of its usefulness in communicating information to members.

With the guild Message of the Day being limited to 60 characters, should you consider using chat channels to supplement your communications? If you are having communications and spam issues, to the point guild-say is becoming less useful, then I would say YES you should consider using chat channels. However, before you dive right into them, you need to understand the limitations of WoW chat rooms at the time of writing this article.

Here are the good points of using chat rooms:

●Anyone can make one

●You can let non-guild members into them if you chose

●You can password protect them

●You can create multiple ‘tabs’ in your user interface and assign chat windows to those tabs

●You can create rooms by subject area and use them to divide up chatter (for example having one room to get quest help and one room to offer up items in etc..)

●When you join a room and then logoff, WoW remembers what you were in the room and tries to auto-join the room when you next login