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Here are the eight combat skills in Runescape, with a brief overview of each skill:

Attack effects how accurate your character is with a weapon, it also allows your character to wield better weapons RS Gold.

Increasing your strength skill will increase how much damage your character can hit with a weapon. Some weapons, armour, and agility obstacles require strength to use.

Defence increases your character's ability to dodge/block attacks, making them harder to hit. Armour requires a higher defence level to wear as the quality of the metal increases.


Your Constitution level (previously called hitpoints or HP), determine how many life points your character have, thus determining how much damage your character can take before (s)he dies. The number of life points your character has is the constitution level times 10. Death occurs when the value of your character's life down to 0. Food can add value to your life, can be used for the key to survival, to food and good armor in some cases is crucial.