Rather than clogging up the Penguin Locations threads with theories on the pattern


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As many of you know the penguins have finally realised we're on to them and they've gone and changed their spy rosters! So some of us have blown the dust off our old spreadsheets and our lists and we've got back to work to crack the new pattern.

Rather than clogging up the Penguin Locations threads with theories on the pattern, this thread is a place for anyone who's interested to pool information and share ideas. Anyone's welcome to join in, you don't have to be involved in Team Penguin to help out!

If you're not interested in the theory, we're also guessing what penguins we think we'll get next week, and what new penguins we'll get. We've already seen three new ones, what do you think we'll get next? Have a look over the list of known locations and have some fun guessing with us!