RS Gold, RS2 Gold, RuneScape Gold, Marksmanship specced hunters are primarily for dealing huge burst damage

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Hunters in the arena have several roles. All hunters will primarily be damage dealers, but they can take RS Gold other sub-rolls depending on their talent spec. If they are not DPSing a hunter can either hinder the enemy or help try to crowd control them.

A beast master hunter has great DPS and relies heavily on their Bestial Wrath/Beast within ability. This lets them go nuts for 18 seconds with no fear of CC.

But after it is up your options are somewhat limited. You can continue to DPS effectively like you would in a regular PVP match, or you can use your disruption abilities like Intimidation, Concussive Shot and Scare Beast to hinder the enemy.

Marksmanship specced hunters are primarily for dealing huge burst damage. They depend on large critical strikes from heavy hitting abilities like Aimed Shot to take enemies down fast, and the new debuffs from our shots to hinder our enemies. This makes them best suited for fighting in 5vs5 and some 3vs3 matches because you will have would a node in AB.

This makes them best suited for fighting in 5vs5 and some 3vs3 matches because you will have extra help to back you up. If your team mates can create a wall of protection and distraction around you will be able to shoot in peace.