RS Gold, RS2 Gold, RuneScape Gold, It has a ton of collection quests available at 50

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Levels 50-60 - Ah, you can feel the end! The 50s are really all about that last push so you can do Blackrock instance runs. You also get the RS2 Gold final super powerful skills. Eviscerate now does at base damage what you were hitting for in critical in the 40s.

At 50, head to Ungoro as it has a ton of collection quests available. It is entirely a beast zone however and there is no cash that drops but there is still a chance of items dropping. Doing all the quests from Marshall’s Refuge (that are non-elite) can get you 2 levels in a day. It really is ridiculous the amount of experience you can gain from this zone with no effort. Bring a Mithril Casing; you need it for a certain quest.

The Blasted Lands have 5 quests that stack for a temporary stat buff to each stat. Personally, the quests that need stuff from Basilisks and Vultures are not worth the effort as the drops are way too slow. They are also repeatable for the experience.

The Ogres are also decent experience and start to drop the Heavy Junkboxes. Level 51-53 is a good spot on these. Again, they can hit hard compared to other humanoids. In fact, if you can, avoid the “orange” side of the zone completely. It causes a very large amount of lag, everything seems to poison you or have a damage shield.