RS Gold, RS2 Gold, RuneScape Gold, Here you can see your character stats, experience, and equipment in game

RS Gold, RS2 Gold, RuneScape Gold, RuneScape2 Gold, RS2 GP, RuneScape2 GP

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Hotkeys: I - Open your inventory. You have 4 bags with 16 slots each, allowing you to hold 64 RS Gold items total. C - Open your character window. Here, you can see your character stats, experience, and equipment. Q - Open your quest log. Only your active quests are displayed here.

U - Open your mailbox. You need to buy letter paper from a <Merchant> in order to send mail. G - Open your guild window. As a regular member, you should be able to see who's currently online and what level everyone is. K - Open your skills window. Skills are acquired through a <Trainer> according to your character's class.

J - Open your craft skills window. Craft skills are alternate skills including Ransacking, Skinning, Carving, Cooking, and Alchemy. These can be learned from an <Adventurer>, a <Cook>, and an <Alchemist>. P - Open the party window. Here, you can invite someone to a party and change party options.

F - Open the friend’s window. You can add people to your friend's list and see where they are located. M - Open the World Map. If you are in a town, the Town Map is displayed instead.

1 - Use a Health potion. 2 - Use a Mana potion. 3/4/5/6/7/8/9/0/-/= - Skill hotkeys. Tab - Target nearest monster. Spacebar - Automatically pick up the nearest item. Alt - Toggles on/off item names on the ground. R - Automatically set the chat bar to reply to the last person that whispered you.