Halloween Comic Competition - Final Day


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It's been two weeks since we launched the Halloween Comic competition and we've seen some great entries so far. If you haven't entered yet, it's not too late!

Entering the competition is easy - just head to the Halloween Comic Competition thread, choose one of the three comic strip templates on offer, fill in the missing cells and send your entry to competitions@jagex.com.

The important thing to remember about this competition is that it's not your artistic skill that matters, it's your idea! In other words, stick men are fine.

The competition closes at midnight tonight, after which we'll sit down to start the difficult task of deciding the winner, who'll not only receive 6 months of RuneScape membership, but also a signed, framed print of their comic strip after we've had it professionally rendered by one of our artists.

For full details of the competition including rules and terms & conditions, just head to the Halloween Comic Competition thread.

Good luck!