Go to Izlude, and enter a building in the northeast


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Spear Mastery Comments: Well... if you want to use a Spear, this is a good skill to get RS Gold. Otherwise, skip it. But it is useless since you are using two hand swords.

Pierce Note: This will hit Small monsters once, Medium twice, and Large 3 times.

Note: Only works with Spears

Comments: Skip it, useless since you are using two hand swords.

Spear Stab Note: Only works with Spears

Comments: Skip it, useless since you are using two hand swords.

Brandish Spear Comments: Skip it, useless since you are using two hand swords.

Walking HP Recovery

Level 1: Recover HP while moving, though only at 25% of your standing rate

Instructions: This one is a pain. You need a whopping 500 Empty Bottles, 1 Padded Armor, and a Rocker Doll. Go to Izlude, and enter a building in the northeast. Talk to the NPC there to get it. (The items had change duel to update)

Comments: It is a pretty nifty skill, as it will reduce your reliance on potions and what not by a small amount. It’s a real pain in the ass to get though, so you may want to get it much later.